Wednesday 14 February 2018

Installing and Managing Softwares in RHEL7

Installing and Managing Softwares

  • How many ways to install a program?

  1. GUI
  2. YUM server (yellowdog updater, modifier)
  3. RPM

  • What is Linux Software?

---------It is called a Package
---------It is a file with the extension name .rpm
---------Naming Conversion of the file is as follows:
            ex. vsftpd-0.2.2-51.1.el7-i686.rpm
            vsftpd is name of package
            0.2.2 is version
            51.el7 is release
            I686 is architecture
            [Note: command to view the architecture of kernel #uname -a ]

  • What is rpm database?

---------It is a list of files stored (in Local machine) in /var/lib/rpm/
---------It contains information of all packages, groups installed on the system
---------This rpm database is updated everytime we install, Uninstall any packages.

  • What is YUM Repository?

---------It is a directory on any server which contain all rpm packages and its dependency information.
---------YUM Command downloads the packages from the server and install on local machine.
---------Location of this server is stored in a special file under /etc/yum.repos.d

  • What is YUM cache?

---------It is a directory (on Local machine) Where information obtained from the YUM repository is              stored for better performance.
---------The Default Location of this Directory is /var/cache/yum
---------It can be changed by modifying /etc/yum.conf

Configuration of YUM server

Requirements FTP or HTTP server must be installed
#cd /var/ftp/
create a directory with any name
# mkdir <directory_name>
then copy REDHAT DVD data in that folder
#cp -rvf /run/media/root/RHELxxxx/* /var/ftp/<directory_name>
(dvd path) * for all files (copy path)
[Note DVD Path may be different in your case]
Then Install the below package
#rpm -ivh createrepo-0.9.x.x.x..rpm
Then Create Directory with name 'repodata' in yum repository path location if not created already
Then create repository
#createrepo -v /var/ftp/<directory_name>
(yum path location)
Then create configuration file with any name but with .repo extension (This is also for YUM Client
Where and how to create
#cd /etc/yumrepos.d
#vim yum.repo
type the following data in the file
[SERVER] (any name)
name="Yum Server" (any name)
baseurl=ftp://server_ip_address/yum_repo_path_location/ (ex.
and save it
then Clear YUM cache
#yum clear all
then check yum server to install any package like
#yum install nmap
YUM Command Description
yum list //list of packages
yum list installed //list installed packages
yum list available //list available packages from yum repo
yum info map //more information about package
yum search video //search the "video" keyword in the repo
yum provides /etc/passwd //which package has installed this file
yum deplist <pakage_name> //shows package lftp is dependent on
yum install <pakage_name> //install lftp package
yum erase <pakage_name> //uninstall lftp package (does not uninstall dependencies)
yum update <pakage_name> //update packages if there is a newer version available in the yum repository
yum grouplist //list package groups
yum group install //install a group of package
yum group update //update a group of package
yum group remove //uninstall a group of package
yum group info //more information about package group
#RPM Command Description
rpm -q -a //query all
rpm -qa | grep <pakage_name>
rpm -q <pakage_name>
rpm -qi <pakage_name> //provide more info
rpm -ql <pakage_name> //provide list of files of installed packages
rpm -qs <pakage_name> //show script files installed by package
rpm -qd <pakage_name> //list doc file installed by package
rpm -qc <pakage_name> //list configuration file installed by package
rpm -q --requires <pakage_name>
rpm -q --last <pakage_name>
rpm -q -f /etc/passwd
-q -i -p tuxpaint-0.9.21-1.x.x.x.x..rpm
rpm -q --requires -p tuxpaint-0.9.21-1.x.x.x.x..rpm
rpm -q -l -p tuxpaint-0.9.21-1.x.x.x.x..rpm

Thanks !!!
Hope You Like IT !

FTP Server and Client Configuration on REDHAT 7

Hi Friends,
I am Back after a long time, Sorry for that
Today, I am Telling You the Configuration of FTP on REDHAT 7
So, Let's Start....

To install ftp we need to install a package named 'vsftpd' (very secure file transfer protocol daemon).

First of all check if package is already install or not with the following command.

#rpm -qa vsftpd (press Enter)                                        (-qa means query all)
#service vsftpd status

Note if install then it will show the package otherwise we have to install it.

package is available in RHEL DVD Packages Folder or you can download it from Internet.

goto dvd packages folder with following command

#cd /run/media/root/DVD_Name/Packages/ (press Enter)

#rpm -i <package name>  (press Enter)

after installation we have to start/restart ftp service with the following command

#service vsftpd start/restart (press enter)  (note after every time when machine reboot we ave to restart vsftpdd service, But if
we want to start vsftpdd service automatically everytime then we have to
execute following command)

# chkconfig vsftpd on

(Note Where is FTP Default directory /var/ftp)

we have to install ftp.x.x.x. package to login on ftp server using terminal

command to login
#ftp <ip address>

command for downloadinf files
#get <filename>

We have have to check Firewall settings
it must be enabled for ftp

if firewall package not install then install system-config-firewall.x.x.x.rpm package

Thanks !!
Hope You Like IT !

Saturday 24 December 2016

How To Make RAR File Password Cracker (Using Notepad)

Hi Friends,
Now I am Telling You How To Crack RAR File Password

Let's Start,

Open Notepad and copy the given command and "Save as" "any-name.bat" 
But Don't Forget to change Save as File types to ALL FILES.

(NOTE: It can Cracked Only Numeric Password)

If you Like My Post Then Don't Forget To say Thanks!!!
If You Need any help "Please Feel Free To Post Comment".

If You Want to Download (.EXE) File
(Link is Here)
Please Let Me Know if Link is Not Working.

Friday 23 December 2016

How to Make Folder/File Locker Using Notepad (New Version)

Hi Friends,
Today I am Telling You, How to Create Folder/File Locker Using Notepad.
Let's Start,

Open Notepad and copy the given command and "Save as" "FolderLocker 2.0.bat"  But Don't forget to change
save as file types to All Files

(Note: You Should Remember Folder Name and Path of that Folder for "lock/Unlock").

If you Like My Post Then Don't Forget To say Thanks!!!
If You Need any help "Please Feel Free To Post Comment".

If You Want to Download (.EXE) File
(Link is Here)
Please Let Me Know if Link is Not Working.

Thursday 22 December 2016

How To Block Any Website on Your PC Without Using any Software

Hi Friends,
Now I am Telling You How To Block Any Website on Your Computer without using any type of Software.
Let's Start

First of all Open Notepad (Run as Administrator)
After open Notepad
Press Ctrl+O
Type this in Filename box C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc\hosts and press OPEN
Type Following at the END of File
(You Can Make Many Entries as You Wish)

Save and Exit (Don't Forget To restart Your Browser}

Don't Forget to say THANKS!!
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Wednesday 21 December 2016

How to Use UltraISO

Hi Friends, I am Back After a Long Time Break.
Now, Today I am Post about How To Make ISO File From CD/DVD/Blu-ray Disk. Using UltraISO.

So Let's Start.

It’s very easy to make ISO files from CD/DVD/Blu-ray Disk. Follow the steps below to make ISO file form CD/DVD disks.
You Should Require two things to make ISO file:
1.   Ultra ISO less than 5mb program and useful in working with bootable disks. You can use any free programs such as, ISOdisk, DVDfab, etc. They also come with Virtual CD Drive.
2.   CD/DVD disk from which you want to make ISO image.
·         Insert CD/DVD disk into Optical disk drive.
·         Start UltraISO program. (Link for Download)

·         Under tools menu click on make an ISO image file.
·         A pop-up window will open, just select CD/DVD drive if you installed more than one and select the destination folder and click Make.
·         Now wait for few minutes to completely build the ISO file. It takes few minutes depending on size of optical disk.
After ISO image file created successfully you can use it like actual disk in disk drive by using virtual CD Drive tool in Ultra ISO program.
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Saturday 27 February 2016

CCNA NAT Scenario

Hi Friends,
Today I am Post a NAT Scenario For CCNA Students

Best of Luck !!
Thanks !!
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